9th March sugar peas 1/3bed in L polytunnel - severe rodent damage very few survived
9th March transplanting tomatoes in to 7.5cm pots
13th March Climbing french beans Abundance in 7cm pots x 42
14th March Beetroot Boltardy Real Seeds 1 tray x77 multisown 3 to a module - excellent germination
14th March 2017 Leeks Musselburgh Tuckers 1 tray module x77 multisown with 3 seeds per module
14th March 2017 Leeks Musselburgh Tuckers medium fruit box 3 rows + 2 litre pot of thinly sown seeds
20 -23rd March Transplanting tomatoes into 1litre pots
20th - 22nd March Transplanted Red Onion Carmen - looking short of nutrients after 8 weeks in 'Wye vale' compost 12 into 7.5cm pots the rest (65+84 ) put out in prepared bed under glass cloches - We also had a tray of 77 planted a few days later in 'Sylvagrow' which look much better - transplanted 11 to the same bed and 6 to 7.5cm pots to compare
22nd March Transplanted beetroot seedlings ( chase organics) very poor germination 45/144 - writing to draw their attention to this!
23rd March transplanted 60 spinach into r poly tunnel
24th March Lettuce Little Gem module x77 in New Horizon 2 seeds per module
26th March Basil Giant lettuce leaf part module
26th March transplanted spring onions and dill to L polytunnel
28th March transplanted coriander to L poly next to dill
29th March transplanted chard to beds 18 & 19 walled garden
29th March 2nd sowing climbing french beans 19 7.5cm pots
sugar pea in gutter
2nd sowing sugar snap peas in gutter
red cabbage x77
brussel sprouts doric x 77
brussel sprouts devon hills x77
basil sweet genovese